تقديم السيرة الذاتية
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یعد"بنك دبي الإسلامي"، الذي تأسس في عام ،1975 أكبر بنك إسلامي في دولة الإمارات العربیة المتحدة من حیث الموجودات وشركة مساھمة عامة ومدرجة في"سوق دبي المالي". ویقود البنك تطور قطاع التمویل الإسلامي العالمي، وھو كذلك أول بنك إسلامي متكامل الخدمات وثاني أكبر بنك إسلامي على مستوى العالم. وتتمتع المجموعة بموجودات تفوق 80 ملیار دولار أمریكي ورأس مال في السوق یزید عن 10 ملیار دولار أمریكي، وقوى عاملة للمجموعة تفوق الـ 10,000 موظف و500 فرع تقریبا ضمن شبكة عالمیة تمتد عبر الشرق الأوسط وآسیا وأفریقیا. یقدم البنك خدماتھ لأكثر من 5 ملیون متعامل على مستوى المجموعة، ویوفر لقاعدة متعاملیھ التي تضم الأفراد والشركات والمؤسسات مجموعة متنامیة من المنتجات والخدمات المبتكرة المتوافقة مع أحكام الشریعة الإسلامیة.
وفضًلا عن كونھ أول وأكبر بنك إسلامي في دولة الإمارات العربیة المتحدة، یتمتع بنك دبي الإسلامي بحضور عالمي قوي كلاعب رئیسي في الترویج للخدمات المالیة المتوافقة مع الشریعة الإسلامیة عبر أسواق مختلفة حول العالم. وقد أسس بنك دبي الإسلامي باكستان المحدود، وھو شركة مملوكة بالكامل لبنك دبي الإسلامي وأول بنك إسلامي في باكستان یقدم الخدمات المصرفیة البلاتینیة والخدمات المصرفیة الممیزة، بالإضافة إلى محفظة واسعة ومتنوعة من قنوات التوزیع البدیلة. ویشكل إطلاق بنك بانین دبي الشریعة في إندونیسیا مطلع عام 2017 أول دخول للبنك إلى منطقة الشرق الأقصى، ویمتلك البنك ما یزید عن لتأسیس %25 من أسھم البنك الإندونیسي. وفي شھر مایو ،2017 منح البنك المركزي الكیني بنك دبي الإسلامي ترخیصاً شركة تابعة لھ في كینیا، تحت اسم بنك دبي الإسلامي كینیا المحدود. وقد تم تصنیف البنك على أنھ بنك محلي مھم للنظام المالي SIB-D في عام ،2017 كما استكمل في عام 2018 الاستحواذ على نور بنك ما یؤكد على مكانة بنك دبي الإسلامي كمؤسسة . وفي عام ،2021 رفع بنك دبي الإسلامي من حد تملك الأجانب حتى %40 مصرفیة رائدة في قطاع التمویل الإسلامي عالمیاً ما یعكس الثقة المتزایدة للمستثمرین العالمیین في البنك. للخدمات المصرفیة التقلیدیة حول العالم.
یتمثل الھدف الرئیسي للبنك في جعل التمویل الإسلامي معیاراً ثابتا،ً بدلاً عن كونھ بدیلاً وقد حصل البنك على العدید من الجوائز المرموقة التي تعتبر دلیلاً راسخاً على جھوده في مختلف المجالات بما یشمل الخدمات ات الاستشارات ومساھماتھ ً عن خدم المصرفیة للأفراد، والخدمات المصرفیة للشركات، والخدمات المصرفیة الاستثماریة، فضلا في مجال المسؤولیة المجتمعیة. ومما یدل على مكانتھ الرائدة في قطاع التمویل الإسلامي، حصول بنك دبي الإسلامي على لقب"أفضل بنك إسلامي" في العدید من المناسبات المرموقة ومحافل التكریم تقدیرا لأداء البنك الاستثنائي من بین البنوك الإسلامیة في العالم.
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لديك 3 خطوات لتصبح واحدًا من فريق عملنا
Act as a critical link between the Compliance Department, Central Bank regulatory bodies, and BancTakaful operations, while also overseeing all after-sales customer service requests related to BancTakaful products. Key Responsibilities: Regulatory Oversight (as a Second Line Support): Serve as the intermediary between the Compliance Department and BancTakaful operations for regulatory matters. Support the Compliance Department by ensuring that BancTakaful products adhere to all Central Bank and regulatory guidelines. Assist in gathering and preparing reports or documentation requested by the Compliance Department for submission to regulatory bodies. Monitor and report on the implementation of compliance directives from the Compliance Department within the BancTakaful unit. Stay informed of regulatory updates and work with the Compliance Department to assess their impact on BancTakaful products and services. Manage and develop regulatory coaching materials to meet organization standards. After-Sales Customer Services & Complaints: Oversee all after-sales service requests from BancTakaful customers, ensuring timely and effective resolution. Handle escalated customer inquiries, service requests, and complaints, focusing on maintaining high service quality. Collaborate with internal teams to resolve complex after-sales issues and improve the overall customer experience. Ensure after-sales processes, such as policy changes, claims processing, or renewal requests, are handled efficiently and in accordance with both regulatory requirements and customer expectations. Working closely with the Complaints Team, to ensure service standards are met and customer complaints are resolved within acceptable TAT. Coordination and Process Improvement: Liaise with the Compliance, Audit Departments, Central Bank, and Takaful providers to streamline regulatory and after-sales processes. Identify opportunities for improving the after-sales customer service experience by analyzing feedback and performance data. Propose and implement initiatives that enhance both regulatory compliance and customer satisfaction in the after-sales phase. All the above accountabilities includes but not limited to any additional/new tasks or responsibilities assigned by the line Manager
To primarily be responsible for ensuring that the budgeted numbers of BancTakaful sales within the assigned region is achieved with the assistance of the sales team. Key Responsibilities: - Achieve the set sales targets for the assigned region on a monthly basis by regularly tracking and reviewing performance of the sales team. - Manage, retain and develop business relationships in order to enhance the sales volume and business growth. - Ensure cross selling of other DIB products to existing customers in increase the fee generated. - Ensure adherence to credit parameters and products manuals so as to improve / maintain the quality of the business within acceptable limits, minimum TAT & high level of customer service. - To review and provide regular Sales reports and market feedback to the management in order to facilitate decision making to improve the quality, performance and competitiveness of the bank’s products and services. - To ensure that all the sales activities and documentations are complying to DIB SOP manuals, regulatory and audit requirements and sharia principles. - Ensure that all ethical sales process and procedures are executed while selling in line with the Sharia standards and guidelines and products are being sold on accordance to the appropriateness and realistic customers income suitability/needs. - To ensure a high level of portfolio credit quality is maintained across the allocated sales portfolio by reducing Non-performing loans ratio. - To monitor activity of sales team and motivate and provide guidance to develop /improve their skills and productivity by arranging on the job training and other training initiatives. All the above accountabilities include but not limited to any additional/new tasks or responsibilities assigned by the line Manager
To source business for (All Takaful products) from the potential customers in order to achieve the assigned targets. Key Responsibilities: - To sell the BancTakaful products in order to achieve the assigned target. - Identify potential clients through database, follow up leads and telephone /personal contacts, cold calls and advise them about the benefits of bank’s specified product. - Ensure that all charges / terms and conditions related to products are clearly communicated to clients. - To analyze documents submitted by customers ensuring all Check list, formalities and documentation in line with SOP manuals and SLAs - Ensure cross selling of BancTakaful products to existing customers - Prepare regular Sales reports and obtain & provide market, customer and competitor information and feedback to management to facilitate decision making. - Maintain effective business relationship with clients to enhance the customer service image of the bank. - Attend various training and learning programs to close the skill gaps and to ensure proper awareness about the products. - Ensure that all ethical sales process and procedures are executed while selling in line with the Sharia standards and guidelines and products are being sold on accordance to the appropriateness and realistic customers income suitability/needs. - Ensure high level of portfolio credit quality is maintained across the sales activities. All the above accountabilities include but not limited to any additional/new tasks or responsibilities assigned by the line Manager.
To manage the BancTakaful products sales function by implementing tactical action plans in order to achieve the approved business goals. Key Responsibilities: - Assist in setting sales action plans and targets as well as to implement the approved action plans in order to ensure the achievement of budgeted numbers assigned by management - Identify new business opportunities, strategic tie-ups and partnerships order to enhance BancTakaful sales volume. - Facilitate Sales of BancTakaful products in Branch network by ensuring crossing selling of BancTakaful products to existing customers - Coordinate with Product team for business development and marketing activities. - Regularly track and review performance of the sales team to ensure the achievement of the set targets and business growth objectives. - Ensure periodic sales reports and other MIS reports are maintained in order to update the management on the current sales status and market trends to facilitate decision making. - Ensure high level of portfolio credit quality is maintained across the sales function by following up rigorously the credit policy. - Ensure that all Sales process and procedures are complying with the Sharia standards and guidelines and with the regulatory bodies’ and audit requirements - Ensure that all products, ethical sales process and procedures are complying with the Sharia standards and guidelines and products are being sold on accordance to the appropriateness and realistic customers income suitability/needs. - Introduce and ensure proper control measures are in place in order to reduce the incidences of fraud and forgery. - Build effective teams by motivating and guiding them in order to achieve the set targets and by ensure all staff is well trained and fully aware of products and services, policies and procedures. All the above accountabilities include but not limited to any additional/new tasks or responsibilities assigned by the line Manager.
Provide essential support to BancTakaful team in handling regulatory compliance and after-sales service matters. Acting as a second-hand assistant, the role focuses on assisting with Central Bank regulatory affairs and ensuring the smooth processing of customer service requests and complaints in the after-sales phase. Key Responsibilities: - Assist in preparing and reviewing regulatory reports and track submissions to the Compliance Department. - Track and maintain documentation record related to Central Bank regulations as a backup and assist in ensuring updates are communicated internally. - Handle routine after-sales customer service requests, such as policy amendments, surrenders, alterations, and claims. - Collaborate with internal teams and external Takaful providers to ensure smooth processing of after-sales service requests. - Escalate complex service requests or customer complaints to the line manager and ensure follow-up until resolution. - Maintain records of all customer interactions and service outcomes for reporting and performance analysis. - Assist in identifying areas for improvement in regulatory and after-sales processes. - Act as a point of contact for routine coordination with internal stakeholders, including but not limited to the Compliance Department and Takaful providers. - Remain prepared to take on a rotating role at any time and play as an efficient team player when instructed by management. - Assist in preparing training materials and share innovative ideas to improve both regulatory and service requirements when it requires. - Assist in communicating updates on regulatory or after-sales matters to the relevant teams and customers as required. All the above accountabilities includes but not limited to any additional/new tasks or responsibilities assigned by the line Manager.
To ensure that all financial validations are in line with bank’s guidelines, with a target to comply with Finance and VAT Teams guidelines in line with standards and regulations to maintain healthy portfolio, to achieve bank’s goals. Key Responsibilities: - Ensure adherence of all documentation and activities to bank’s SOP, SLAs and regulatory guidelines. - Performing a reconciliation between the Master Files and the successful payment reports (daily SFTP file), and then any mismatch to be handled accordingly. - Perform reconciliation/validation for the monthly commission/clawback reports received from providers, and manage the collection process through the following steps and in coordination with: - GBO for financial entries - Finance/VAT for VAT invoicing - Provider for sending VAT able invoices and collection with follow ups within specified TAT. - To identify and suggest areas which can lead to reduction in clawback. - Highlight the process gaps which may lead to miss-selling and suggest solution. - Follow up pending documentation case(s) with Sales in order to assist in closing them. - Follow up policies with pending payments to regularize the same and provide customer feedback where applicable. - Facilitate Complaint Resolution Unit in resolving Takaful related queries and complaints. - Highlight any case which may leads to dissatisfied customer. All the above accountabilities include but not limited to any additional/new tasks or responsibilities assigned by the line Manager.
- To lead and coordinate the activities of the financial validations with emphasis on providing error free - validation process with a target to follow the guidelines from Finance/VAT Team in line with the standards & regulations to achieve department targets and bank strategy. Key Responsibilities: - To review and provide regular reports and market feedback to the management in order to facilitate decision making to improve the quality, performance and competitiveness of the bank’s products and services. - Generate consolidated reports for active contracts and share it with the internal stakeholders in monthly basis, and resolve failures once received from GBO/IT. - Perform a reconciliation between the Master Files and the successful payment reports (daily SFTP file), and then any mismatch to be handled accordingly. - Perform reconciliation/validation for the monthly commission/clawback reports received from providers, and manage the collection process through the following steps and in coordination with: - GBO for financial entries - Finance/VAT for VAT invoicing - Provider for sending VAT able invoices and collection with follow ups within specified TAT. - To ensure that requested cases of new business, amendments and surrender get processed from service providers. - To facilitate team operations by discussions through the sharing of information and knowledge, identification of teamwork issues, development of problem‐solving recommendations, and recommendations of standardizing team operations. - Continually assess the effectiveness of the team in order to improve the quality of service. - Manage and develop the team and individual staff to ensure required levels of competence, productivity and staff motivation. - To identify and suggest areas which can lead to reduction in claw back. - Identify practices that are and are not working and make recommendations to line manager. - To motivate, develop, coach, train, and formally appraise employees to set performance standards, recognize achievement and deal with performance issues. - All the above accountabilities include but not limited to any additional/new tasks or responsibilities assigned by the line Manager.
To manage BancTakaful products and business portfolio, explore and develop product offering across segments, develop procedures and process, plan and manage relations with external and internal stakeholders to achieve department strategic goals. Key Responsibilities: - Manage and develop existing products offering and portfolio. - Launch of new products to expand to new client segments. - Plan and manage marketing strategies. - Track profitability and explore opportunities to maximise ROI. - Prepare policies and procedures, processes, regulations and MIS reports. - Lead communication with internal and external business partners (Service Providers, Operations, Sharia, HR, Legal, IT, Compliance and Audit). - Review revenue statements, investment performance. - Explore market outlook update and competition scanning. - Manage regulatory compliance and complaints unit. - Manage customer verification unit. - Explore services and TAT improvements. - Design staff motivation schemes and incentives plans. - Manage and develop training plans and professional certification for staff to meet organization standards. - Responsible to ensure relevant controls are in place to protect Customer's & Bank's interest. - Working closely with the Service Quality team, to ensure service standards are met and customer complaints are resolved within acceptable TAT. All above responsibilities include but not limited to any additional tasks or responsibilities assigned by Head of Banc Takaful.
To manage the product and service related requirements for entire Business Banking Liabilities Product within the Business Banking Product unit. The incumbent to assist in overseeing the profitability of the relevant Liabilities and Fee Income stream and rollout initiatives with respect to Business Banking Products and Services. Key Responsibilities: - Assist Business Banking Liabilities Product team and Head of BLU in Implementing the overall product & segmental strategy and annual plan to achieve targeted sales & P& L revenue figures in the assigned products. - Assist in developing & implement strategies & marketing initiatives gain market leadership. - Devise digital solutions for Liabilities products, services and payments to cater to business banking segment. - Frequent/monthly comp scans to ensure our products and rates are competitive. - Device, implement and track new promotions. - Work with stakeholders to ensure procedures and policies are competitive and have the right controls - Regularly review with Treasury, Operations, IT, Digital and other stakeholders to ensure best of Products & policies. - Interact with all touch points to ensure best of processes & resolve operational issues. - Day to day interaction with Sales channels for their queries. - Interact closely with other product managers (Assets, Credit Card, Corporate etc) to put together cross sell proposition for the business banking segment. - Interact with IT department for UAT and implementation of new enhancements product launches. - Liaise with SQ to co-ordinate SQ initiatives and corrective actions/enhancements for liabilities propositions - Work with Marketing to implement specific initiatives/campaigns All the above accountabilities includes but not limited to any additional/new tasks or responsibilities assigned by the line Manager.
To lead Business Banking team, supported by SRMs / RMs / ARMs, in order to grow the Asset & Liability book.Manage the existing as well as new portfolio. Supervise the preparation of the respective segment credit facilityapplications & proposals and coordinating facility approvals with the RCD. Key Responsibilities: • Manage BBU TWC team to build the Asset & liability book, manage the existing as well as new portfolio.• To ensure timely reviewing and submission of credit proposals to RCD.• Screen the business prospects solicited by SRMs/RMs and identify the profitable and bankable relationships.• Supervise, review as well as prepare credit proposals for the bankable prospects and potential customers as well as for annual renewal of credit facilities of existing Asset relationships.• Restructuring / revision of already approved credit limits to enhance profitability and minimize risk.• Periodic visits to customer sites/warehouses/office/premises etc. in accordance with business policy in addition to any/if mentioned by risk.• Address the credit queries raised on proposals and follow up for approval of proposed facilities.• Review of reports such as exception reports, overdue reports, asset/liability maturity reports and follow-up with relevant stakeholders to address the shortfall or take required action accordingly in order to resolve the exceptions in these reports. • Follow up with SRMs/RMs to minimize the exceptions to the credit policy, processes, procedures and documentation.• Identification of delinquent / problematic relationships and strategy development to deal with such relationships.• To conduct joint calls with SRMs/RMs where necessary. • Assist the BBU Assets Head and all team members to respond to Audit observations prior to finalization of audit report.• Explore possibilities to improve the profitability and quality of portfolio.• Train, motivate and promote team to achieve targets while being approachable and accessible. • Manage all team related matters in consultations with BBU Assets Head. • Stern monitoring by way of prompt and frequent team meetings in order to scrutinize the performance of the team vis-a-vis targets.• Track and deliver cross sells targets set for SRMs/RMs.• Ensure weeding out high-risk businesses and nonperforming performance customer regularly. All the above accountabilities includes but not limited to any additional/new tasks or responsibilities assigned by the line Manager.