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Dubai Islamic Bank
Digital Banking

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نبذة عن بنك دبي الإسلامي

یعد"بنك دبي الإسلامي"، الذي تأسس في عام ،1975 أكبر بنك إسلامي في دولة الإمارات العربیة المتحدة من حیث الموجودات وشركة مساھمة عامة ومدرجة في"سوق دبي المالي". ویقود البنك تطور قطاع التمویل الإسلامي العالمي، وھو كذلك أول بنك إسلامي متكامل الخدمات وثاني أكبر بنك إسلامي على مستوى العالم. وتتمتع المجموعة بموجودات تفوق 80 ملیار دولار أمریكي ورأس مال في السوق یزید عن 10 ملیار دولار أمریكي، وقوى عاملة للمجموعة تفوق الـ 10,000 موظف و500 فرع تقریبا ضمن شبكة عالمیة تمتد عبر الشرق الأوسط وآسیا وأفریقیا. یقدم البنك خدماتھ لأكثر من 5 ملیون متعامل على مستوى المجموعة، ویوفر لقاعدة متعاملیھ التي تضم الأفراد والشركات والمؤسسات مجموعة متنامیة من المنتجات والخدمات المبتكرة المتوافقة مع أحكام الشریعة الإسلامیة.

وفضًلا عن كونھ أول وأكبر بنك إسلامي في دولة الإمارات العربیة المتحدة، یتمتع بنك دبي الإسلامي بحضور عالمي قوي كلاعب رئیسي في الترویج للخدمات المالیة المتوافقة مع الشریعة الإسلامیة عبر أسواق مختلفة حول العالم. وقد أسس بنك دبي الإسلامي باكستان المحدود، وھو شركة مملوكة بالكامل لبنك دبي الإسلامي وأول بنك إسلامي في باكستان یقدم الخدمات المصرفیة البلاتینیة والخدمات المصرفیة الممیزة، بالإضافة إلى محفظة واسعة ومتنوعة من قنوات التوزیع البدیلة. ویشكل إطلاق بنك بانین دبي الشریعة في إندونیسیا مطلع عام 2017 أول دخول للبنك إلى منطقة الشرق الأقصى، ویمتلك البنك ما یزید عن لتأسیس %25 من أسھم البنك الإندونیسي. وفي شھر مایو ،2017 منح البنك المركزي الكیني بنك دبي الإسلامي ترخیصاً شركة تابعة لھ في كینیا، تحت اسم بنك دبي الإسلامي كینیا المحدود. وقد تم تصنیف البنك على أنھ بنك محلي مھم للنظام المالي SIB-D في عام ،2017 كما استكمل في عام 2018 الاستحواذ على نور بنك ما یؤكد على مكانة بنك دبي الإسلامي كمؤسسة . وفي عام ،2021 رفع بنك دبي الإسلامي من حد تملك الأجانب حتى %40 مصرفیة رائدة في قطاع التمویل الإسلامي عالمیاً ما یعكس الثقة المتزایدة للمستثمرین العالمیین في البنك. للخدمات المصرفیة التقلیدیة حول العالم.

یتمثل الھدف الرئیسي للبنك في جعل التمویل الإسلامي معیاراً ثابتا،ً بدلاً عن كونھ بدیلاً وقد حصل البنك على العدید من الجوائز المرموقة التي تعتبر دلیلاً راسخاً على جھوده في مختلف المجالات بما یشمل الخدمات ات الاستشارات ومساھماتھ ً عن خدم المصرفیة للأفراد، والخدمات المصرفیة للشركات، والخدمات المصرفیة الاستثماریة، فضلا في مجال المسؤولیة المجتمعیة. ومما یدل على مكانتھ الرائدة في قطاع التمویل الإسلامي، حصول بنك دبي الإسلامي على لقب"أفضل بنك إسلامي" في العدید من المناسبات المرموقة ومحافل التكریم تقدیرا لأداء البنك الاستثنائي من بین البنوك الإسلامیة في العالم.

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الوظائف المتوفرة

Senior Officer - Portfolio Support, Business Finance


دوام كامل

Responsible for the preparation and review of the budgets, monitor and analyze the performance of the business units to drive business performance and revenue growth. Key Result Areas: Responsible for the preparation of the monthly/ periodic incentives for Business lines and divisions• Minimize potential loss of revenue to the Consumer Banking business/ BBU division by ensuring that the Business Intelligent reports generated / submitted to stake holders are accurate & complete.• Provide month end dumps & Ad-Hoc reports (on special requests) there by assisting all BBU Assets and Liability product team with the critical analysis, reports and presentations helpful in driving business.• Identify business potentials based on analysis & disseminate to stake holders.• Responsible to retrieve & provide periodic Business Intelligent Reports to the management for decision making.• Monitor & analyze the sales performance of Consumer/ BBU RM’s/ Products, BBU Business.• Prepare in-depth comprehensive financial and non-financial reports/ periodic packs & analysis containing key matrices for Consumer/ BBU Products, Asset Business, Customer Segments and Business Units.• Assist to initiate automation of regular reports in BO or any other tool.• Process/ calculate incentive and commission pay-out reports for sales channels.• Assist in initiating automation of incentive calculation for incentive payout.• File & maintain all records related to incentive calculation, payments in the form of hard copies or appropriate.• Maintain & store periodic data dumps (monthly, daily etc) related to the assigned area.• Liaise with different departments such as IT, COD, HR, Treasury etc, to retrieve, clarify data for reports & analysis.• Conform to local laws and comply with the rules and regulations of the Bank.• Ensure compliance with the approved policies, procedures, SLAs and regulatory requirements to maintain quality standards and ensure risk mitigation.• Ensure all assigned tasks and projects are executed within the approved policies, procedures and SLAs of the department.• Incorporate and comply with the bank's core values especially the Customer First in your day to-day activities.

تقدم الآن

25 - يوليو - 2024

Officer - Credit Cards Sales


دوام كامل

To provide DIB and non-DIB customers credit cards which exceeds the customer’s expectations by delivering an unbiased, competent, and timely and problem free services. To sell as per the eligibility given in the product manual and to cross sell other bank’s product as and when required. Key Responsibilities:  - To sell DIB credit cards and cross sell the other products to the specified target segment to achieve the set sales targets on a monthly basis. - To conduct daily field visits and provide daily sales report with all customers details. - To analyze documents submitted by the customers in order to ensure Documents are error free and as per SOP. - To attend all the meetings with TL, SM, NSM on performance reviews. - To maintain effective business relation with clients to enhance customer service image of DIB. - To take ownership of the customer’s complaint resolution, report indicators, Set by managers accurately at the required frequency. - To fully comply with policy Guidelines and code of conduct of DIB. - To maintain the secrecy norms on the data provided. - To provide constructive and constant feedback on improvement of Products, Services, Processes which may either reduce TAT, cost or enhance customer satisfaction. - To ensure portfolio quality by exercising sound credit judgment and by complying with credit and product parameters to complete all formalities and documentation in line with SOP manuals and Shari’ah principles. - To prepare regular Sales reports and obtain & provide market, customer and competitor information and feedback to management to facilitate decision making. - To attend various training and learning programs to close the skill gaps and to ensure proper awareness about the products.

تقدم الآن

08 - يوليو - 2024

Banking Operations Officer (UAE National)

الإمارات العربية المتحدة

دوام كامل

We are seeking enthusiastic UAE National freshers to join DIB! This entry-level role offers hands-on experience across various departments for someone who wants to develop their career in the banking industry.

تقدم الآن

04 - يوليو - 2024

Senior Officer - Client Acceptance


Supervising a team of Compliance Due Diligence analysts in daily High-risk case reviews and their interactions with Business and Operations; Reviewing and advising on escalated cases by Unit Head / Business Head; Ensuring the timely blacklisting of rejected cases from DD perspective; Maintaining MIS and registers of EDD cases and PEP portfolio of the Bank; Performing case management by ensuring all submitted requests to Compliance are timely assigned to the DD analyst; Filtering cases and instances raised by Business which does not fall under Compliance remit by providing due guidance to Business; Providing Compliance advisory in conjunction with the Bank's CDD Policy and Procedure to Business and Operations; Assisting in creating management reports periodically; Assisting in timely and duly complying with CBUAE reporting requirements; Advising Business and Operations on FATCA and CRS regulations and procedural requirements; Conducting Compliance training sessions as per the annual training program as well as need basis; Participating in periodic system reviews, implementation of new system or redefining the controls in the existing ones; Participating in Policy and Procedures review from DD perspective; Conducting 'Health Check Exercise' on quarterly basis to ensure DDU operations in line with approved internal policies, processes and guidelines; Serving as a back-up to other staff assigned with equivalent roles.

تقدم الآن

01 - يوليو - 2024

Assistant Manager - Payment Technologies


Responsible for planning technical deliveries of assigned initiatives under assigned Payments platform portfolio as per defined parameters related to scope, costs, timelines & quality. To apply project management knowledge, technical & interpersonal skills and project management tools and techniques to meet the project requirements.  To execute overall Project and its activities and ensure that resources are available and channeled to produce the planned deliverables on time and within the approved budget while providing high customer service. To prepare and provide MIS repots & Project status reports as required by management. To ensure all the activities comply with policies & procedures of IT Dept & the Bank Responsible to provide audit input requirements, close all assigned audit observations and provide closing evidences related to your area to IT-QA team or Audit team in a timely manner. All the above accountabilities include but not limited to any additional/new tasks or responsibilities assigned by the line Manager.

تقدم الآن

01 - يوليو - 2024

Manager - Workforce Planning


Effectively oversee the utilization of workforce within the organization by analyzing workforce trends and forecasting the future skills and knowledgeable workforce required to meet present and future business requirements. Develop and maintain a workforce planning strategy that aligns with the bank's overall business objectives and supports its growth goals. Review and analyze the current processes/activities/volumes to gauge staff productivity in order to determine the appropriate workforce required for the business to function efficiently and effectively. Collaborate with Finance department to create and manage the workforce budgets by ensuring that it is aligned with the bank's financial goals and objectives. Apply data analytics to develop metrics to measure workforce performance, identifying areas for improvement, and making data-driven decisions to optimize the workforce. Perform complex analysis using predictive modeling by applying mathematical and statistical simulation analysis to forecast the potential workforce impacts due to internal/external factors. Manage and maintain organization wide locked headcounts data by conducting monthly reconciliations of active headcounts and vacancies. Identify gaps in staff performance or process issues, in order to optimize the current workforce with potential cost savings. Work collaboratively with internal stakeholders to ensure effective communication and coordination of workforce planning efforts. Ensure compliance with the approved policies, procedures, SLAs and regulatory requirements to maintain quality standards and ensure risk mitigation. Ensure all assigned tasks and projects are executed within the approved policies, procedures and SLAs of the department. All the above accountabilities include but are not limited to any additional/new tasks or responsibilities the line manager assigned.

تقدم الآن

28 - يونيو - 2024

Senior Relationship Officer - Business Finance


دوام كامل

To source new business of BBU Assets SBF from potential customers as per Bank’s Policy and Process. Key Responsibilities - Sell DIB’s SME Products/ Services to the target segment and achieve/ exceed monthly targets. - Identify potential customers by referring customer contact databases or by following up on the leads referred by call centre / personal contacts or by doing cold calls. - Convince customers by highlighting the benefit of DIB products v/s competition. - Ensure complete awareness of banks product features, policies and processes at all times. - Comply with Sharia guidelines and Code of Conduct - Ensure the banks charges/ terms and conditions are clearly communicated to all customers. - Source applications by doing front end customer due diligence and collect complete set of documents required by the bank. - Ensure the documents are verified checked for completeness/ validity to avoid later rejections by Credit/ Operations - Adhere to administrative requirements of maintaining document checklist and submitting daily sales report and daily call report. - Maintain effective business relationship with clients to enhance/ maintain the DIB Brand name. - Maintain confidentiality of customer information, DIB information at all times while communicating. - All the above accountabilities include but not limited to any additional/new tasks or responsibilities assigned by the line Manager.  

تقدم الآن

27 - يونيو - 2024

Relationship Manager - Business Liability


دوام كامل

To provide a timely, efficient and personalized service to a select group of high value Business customers with the aim of increasing the size of the portfolio, by onboarding of NTB customers, and generating CASA/ deposits,fee income through the sale of Forex /cash management products. Deliver the budgeted volumes for deposits, CASA, forex and cash management Products by increasing the BLU portfolio by increasing deposits of existing customers and targeting of new corporate entities not banking with us. Cross-sell other Dubai Islamic Bank Products and Services to BLU customers; Ensure adherence to Bank processes & policies and report deviation to immediate supervisor/manager; Work closely with the BL Head to provide customers with the best solution for their various business banking needs. To ensure retention of existing customers by providing efficient and satisfactory services. To maintain regular contacts with BL customers either through telephone calls, company visits and providing detailed call reports. Ensure smooth processing with other departments like legal, compliance, GBO in order to provide timely results for clients Guide and provide continuous support to ARM(s) to achieve business target and assist them in building relationships with their customers. All the above accountabilities includes but not limited to any additional/new tasks or responsibilities assigned by the line Manager

تقدم الآن

27 - يونيو - 2024

Senior Relationship Officer - Aayan Banking


دوام كامل

To provide a timely, efficient and personalized service to a select group of HNW customers with the aim of increasing the size of the portfolio, in terms of customers and deposits, and, to generate fee income through the sale of Investment. Key Result Areas: - Deliver the budgeted volumes for deposits and sale of Investment Products. - Increase the Private Banking portfolio by increasing deposits of existing customers and targeting of HNWI not Banking with us; - Sell the various Islamic Investment Products that are offered by Aayan Unit/other Business Units, cross-sell other Dubai Islamic Bank Products and Services to Aayan Banking customers; - Provide “One Stop” Banking Service to the customers of Aayan Banking ensuring timely and efficient execution of customers’ requests; - Ensure adherence to Bank processes & policies and report deviation to immediate supervisor/manager; - To ensure that there is no loss of customers from Aayan Banking due to unsatisfactory service on our part; - To maintain regular contacts with sensitive Aayan Banking customers either through telephone calls or Personal visits and update the daily call report in CRM.

تقدم الآن

26 - يونيو - 2024

Manager Fraud Risk Management


Develop Fraud Risk Management Framework bank wide, in order to effectively handle fraud cases/incidents.   Supervise and manage daily activities/KPIs of the Fraud Risk Management, GRM team.   Authorize blacklisting and blocking of accounts in order to prevent fraud losses for bank, customers and third parties.   Conduct fraud awareness trainings bank wide in order to proactively prevent fraud incidents.   Submit individual as well as periodic regulatory reports and respond to regulator’s enquiries in a timely manner to comply with local regulations.   Respond to enquiries from Law Enforcement Authorities (LEA) on fraud incident in a timely manner to comply with local laws.   Approve messages to be sent to other banks in response to other banks’ enquiries as well as to get additional information from other banks on fraud incidents.    Analyze and suggest controls against the latest industry fraud trends/threats and identify requirements of tools and equipment to cop-up with latest industry fraud trends.   Engage with other internal departments on fraud related matters or processes to appropriately mitigate the fraud risks.   Build relationships with fraud risk teams of other banks (Industry Fraud Forum) in order to proactively handle incidents and / or prevent fraud losses.   Incorporate and comply with the bank's core values in day to-day activities.

تقدم الآن

26 - يونيو - 2024