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Dubai Islamic Bank
Digital Banking

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نبذة عن بنك دبي الإسلامي

یعد"بنك دبي الإسلامي"، الذي تأسس في عام ،1975 أكبر بنك إسلامي في دولة الإمارات العربیة المتحدة من حیث الموجودات وشركة مساھمة عامة ومدرجة في"سوق دبي المالي". ویقود البنك تطور قطاع التمویل الإسلامي العالمي، وھو كذلك أول بنك إسلامي متكامل الخدمات وثاني أكبر بنك إسلامي على مستوى العالم. وتتمتع المجموعة بموجودات تفوق 80 ملیار دولار أمریكي ورأس مال في السوق یزید عن 10 ملیار دولار أمریكي، وقوى عاملة للمجموعة تفوق الـ 10,000 موظف و500 فرع تقریبا ضمن شبكة عالمیة تمتد عبر الشرق الأوسط وآسیا وأفریقیا. یقدم البنك خدماتھ لأكثر من 5 ملیون متعامل على مستوى المجموعة، ویوفر لقاعدة متعاملیھ التي تضم الأفراد والشركات والمؤسسات مجموعة متنامیة من المنتجات والخدمات المبتكرة المتوافقة مع أحكام الشریعة الإسلامیة.

وفضًلا عن كونھ أول وأكبر بنك إسلامي في دولة الإمارات العربیة المتحدة، یتمتع بنك دبي الإسلامي بحضور عالمي قوي كلاعب رئیسي في الترویج للخدمات المالیة المتوافقة مع الشریعة الإسلامیة عبر أسواق مختلفة حول العالم. وقد أسس بنك دبي الإسلامي باكستان المحدود، وھو شركة مملوكة بالكامل لبنك دبي الإسلامي وأول بنك إسلامي في باكستان یقدم الخدمات المصرفیة البلاتینیة والخدمات المصرفیة الممیزة، بالإضافة إلى محفظة واسعة ومتنوعة من قنوات التوزیع البدیلة. ویشكل إطلاق بنك بانین دبي الشریعة في إندونیسیا مطلع عام 2017 أول دخول للبنك إلى منطقة الشرق الأقصى، ویمتلك البنك ما یزید عن لتأسیس %25 من أسھم البنك الإندونیسي. وفي شھر مایو ،2017 منح البنك المركزي الكیني بنك دبي الإسلامي ترخیصاً شركة تابعة لھ في كینیا، تحت اسم بنك دبي الإسلامي كینیا المحدود. وقد تم تصنیف البنك على أنھ بنك محلي مھم للنظام المالي SIB-D في عام ،2017 كما استكمل في عام 2018 الاستحواذ على نور بنك ما یؤكد على مكانة بنك دبي الإسلامي كمؤسسة . وفي عام ،2021 رفع بنك دبي الإسلامي من حد تملك الأجانب حتى %40 مصرفیة رائدة في قطاع التمویل الإسلامي عالمیاً ما یعكس الثقة المتزایدة للمستثمرین العالمیین في البنك. للخدمات المصرفیة التقلیدیة حول العالم.

یتمثل الھدف الرئیسي للبنك في جعل التمویل الإسلامي معیاراً ثابتا،ً بدلاً عن كونھ بدیلاً وقد حصل البنك على العدید من الجوائز المرموقة التي تعتبر دلیلاً راسخاً على جھوده في مختلف المجالات بما یشمل الخدمات ات الاستشارات ومساھماتھ ً عن خدم المصرفیة للأفراد، والخدمات المصرفیة للشركات، والخدمات المصرفیة الاستثماریة، فضلا في مجال المسؤولیة المجتمعیة. ومما یدل على مكانتھ الرائدة في قطاع التمویل الإسلامي، حصول بنك دبي الإسلامي على لقب"أفضل بنك إسلامي" في العدید من المناسبات المرموقة ومحافل التكریم تقدیرا لأداء البنك الاستثنائي من بین البنوك الإسلامیة في العالم.

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الوظائف المتوفرة

Customer Service Officer - Aayan Banking (Emirati)


دوام كامل

To provide a timely, efficient and personalized service to a select group of HNW customers with the aim of increasing customer service level and providing accurate and updated information to customers regarding the Asset products and deposits, and, to process all customer instructions within established time frame. Key Result Areas: - Provide “One Stop” Banking Service to the customers of Aayan Banking ensuring timely and efficient execution of customers’ requests; - Ensure adherence to Bank processes & policies and report deviation to immediate supervisor/manager; - To ensure that there is no loss of customers from Aayan Banking due to unsatisfactory service on our part; - Ensure that all financial and non-financial transactions, within your authority level, are executed in a timely and error free manner. - Be familiar with the Service Standards and TATs for various transactions, and endeavor to consistently meet and exceed them. - Maintain a proper system of filing and ensure that all documents are properly filed and easily accessible. - Adhere to Bank processes and policies and report deviations to immediate supervisor/Manager. - Printing of reports on a daily basis and obtaining Unit Head signatures on the same and filing for record purposes. - Record all customer instructions forwarded to Business Support Units and ensure same is executed in a timely and accurate manner.

تقدم الآن

30 - اكتوبر - 2024

Senior Officer - Customer Service, Business Liability


دوام كامل

Provide Business Banking Customers with competent, timely, and error-free account management services, consistently exceed customer service standards, guide customers to the right products while cross-selling andgenerating leads. Key Responsibilities:  Migrate customer transactions from the branches to low cost electronic channels to ensure reduced cost forbranch operations.Provide customers with competent, timely and error free services in the area of account opening and accountmanagement (Assets & Liability products, after sale, etc.) to ensure high levels of service and customersatisfactionConsistently meet and exceed service standards set for the customer services.Guide customers regarding the right product to meet their needs and promote & cross-sell other DubaiIslamic Bank products & services to existing customers. Generate product leads from walk-in/ potentialcustomers through interaction and dissemination of product and service informationAdherence to all established Bank's policies, operating manuals, service quality standards and code ofconduct for smooth workflow, high service quality and low level of operational risk.Assist in compiling MIS reports and report any discrepancies to immediate supervisor to ensure accurateservice delivery to customers.To ensure that all transactions are processed as per the compliance rules and regulations and maintaineffective due diligence on the customers before proceeding with any facilities.To assist and participate in any branch projects (Service Quality Programs, Process changes, Sales…etc.).Follow up on various cases with all the concerned stakeholders such as customers, internal Bank'sdepartments in order to ensure 100% closing mandates.Attend various training and learning programs to close the skill gaps and to ensure proper awareness aboutDIB products.Maintain effective relationship with supervisors and peers to ensure teamwork

تقدم الآن

22 - اكتوبر - 2024

Senior Officer - Transformation Management Office


دوام كامل

Exciting Opportunity: Join Our Banking Transformation Team! We are looking for dynamic professionals to drive the future of banking! If you’re passionate about innovation and transforming financial services, this is the role for you.  Job Purpose: - Support transformation team in smooth functioning and deliver of transformative changes/initiatives, in order to achieve the department goals and objectives.  Key Responsibilities: - Serve as a liaison between Transformation Management Office and executive level internal / external stakeholders to ensure smooth communication and operational execution of the events /activities and special assignments. - Support in cascading Transformation Management Office communications to internal or external stakeholders efficiently and effectively. - Follow up on incoming issues and concerns addressed, including those of sensitive or confidential nature, to ensure proper action is taken within the agreed turnaround time. - Prepare, maintain, monitor and record necessary documents / folder access / reports and master lists to ensure proper controls are in place to mitigate risk and easy retrieval of information when required. - Maintain schedule diary, in order to coordinate and schedule all meetings, events, and conferences/forums for line manager on timely and accurately basis. - Ensure all correspondences (inward and outward) and follow up with all stakeholders (Internal/External) on any pending actionable items in reference to the Transformation Management Office. - Ensure compliance with the approved policies, procedures, SLAs and regulatory requirements to maintain quality standards and ensure risk mitigation. - Ensure all assigned tasks and projects are executed within the approved policies, procedures and SLAs of the department.

تقدم الآن

15 - اكتوبر - 2024

Senior Manager Transformation - PMO


دوام كامل

Job Purpose: To coordinate specific projects under the portfolio of strategic projects assigned to the Transformation – Project Management Office by working both internally within different areas of the organization and externally when consultants or third parties are involved. Key Responsibilities: - Ability to manage small size programs end to end. - Transformation PMO enablement: - Coordinate activities within the Transformation – PMO for it function effectively within the organization. Such work will include organizing meetings, keeping minutes, records etc. - Maintain adequate relationships within the organization to enable Transformation-PMO access to stakeholder time. - Project Coordination and oversight - To monitor project plans and deadlines for allocated projects and/or parts of projects. - Effective with hybrid work model including WFH. - Adequate Project Stakeholder Coordination to enable and effectively perform delegated project duties - Communication - Communicate clearly Team mates and with project stakeholders - Change Management - Work with Transformation–PMO on change management activities including training and where necessary organize access to facilities, time and stakeholders.

تقدم الآن

01 - اكتوبر - 2024

Assistant Manager Sharia Compliance


Job is a Regulatory Position to Supervise the Continuous monitoring of DIB’s businesses and activities’ compliance with resolutions, fatwas, regulations and standards issued by ISSC and CBUAE-HSA. To assist in ensuring compliance with Sharia Governance Framework, UAE law No 14 of 2018, ISSC resolutions, AAOIFI Sharia Standards (to the extent enforced), other Sharia standard (enforce by the CBUAE – HSA) and other relevant regulatory guidelines for Islamic banking. To assist in monitoring the Regulatory requirements to ensure reviewing of all existing documents, contracts, products, manuals, marketing material, policies & procedures, processes, and all other documents from Sharia aspects. To assist in conducting the continuous monitoring of DIB’s businesses and activities’ compliance with resolutions, fatwas, regulations and standards issued by the CBUAE-HSA. To assist in ensuring that the Sharia compliance review on overall DIB activities and Sharia non-compliance observations are timely communicated to DIB Senior Management, ISSC, Board Committee and ensure that the most significant issues are regularized by respective action responsible. Recommend the remedial actions and appropriate changes on the existing Controls mitigates Sharia non-compliance risks on overall DIB Group Businesses and Activities in order to improve the effectiveness on the existing control design. To assist in preparing Sharia compliance report related all technical Sharia Compliance Status and matters across DIB Group. To assist in submitting a regulatory Sharia Compliance Reports to the ISSC Committee, Board Committees, GCEO, DIB Senior Management (where required) on regular basis. To work for promoting and cultivating Sharia compliance culture in the Bank. Improve the Sharia Compliance staff awareness across DIB Group. To ensure that DIB maintain an acceptable levels of Sharia Compliance awareness through regular i.e. (enroll the staff to a Sharia Training, Survey, assessments …) and assess the staff awareness in relation to knowledge and skill required to fulfill their job adequately. Determine the type of knowledge needed for performing role depending on the nature of their responsibilities. To Ensure that the Bank has and integration Sharia Governance Framework i.e. (Sharia non-compliance risk, Sharia compliance function’s, Effective Controls ….) within the overall Bank (Businesses, activities, Policies, Processes, Documents …) Framework. With a regular efficient Internal Control assessment. All the above responsibilities are in addition to any additional/new tasks or responsibilities assigned by the Head of Sharia compliance and Head of Internal Sharia control department .

تقدم الآن

24 - سبتمبر - 2024

Manager Sharia Compliance


Job is a Regulatory Position to Supervise the Continuous monitoring of DIB’s businesses and activities’ compliance with resolutions, fatwas, regulations and standards issued by ISSC and CBUAE-HSA. To ensure compliance with Sharia Governance Framework, UAE law No 14 of 2018, ISSC resolutions, AAOIFI Sharia Standards (to the extent enforced), other Sharia standard (enforce by the CBUAE – HSA) and other relevant regulatory guidelines for Islamic banking. Monitor the Regulatory requirements to ensure reviewing of all existing documents, contracts, products, manuals, marketing material, policies & procedures, processes, and all other documents from Sharia aspects. To conduct the continuous monitoring of DIB’s businesses and activities’ compliance with resolutions, fatwas, regulations and standards issued by the CBUAE-HSA. To ensure that the Sharia compliance review on overall DIB activities and Sharia non-compliance observations are timely communicated to DIB Senior Management, ISSC, Board Committee and ensure that the most significant issues are regularized by respective action responsible. Recommend the remedial actions and appropriate changes on the existing Controls mitigates Sharia non-compliance risks on overall DIB Group Businesses and Activities in order to improve the effectiveness on the existing control design. To prepare Sharia compliance report related all technical Sharia Compliance Status and matters across DIB Group. To Submit a regulatory Sharia Compliance Reports to the ISSC Committee, Board Committees, GCEO, DIB Senior Management (where required) on regular basis. To work for promoting and cultivating Sharia compliance culture in the Bank. Improve the Sharia Compliance staff awareness across DIB Group. To ensure that DIB maintain an acceptable levels of Sharia Compliance awareness through regular i.e. (enroll the staff to a Sharia Training, Survey, assessments …) and assess the staff awareness in relation to knowledge and skill required to fulfill their job adequately. Determine the type of knowledge needed for performing role depending on the nature of their responsibilities. To Ensure that the Bank has and integration Sharia Governance Framework i.e. (Sharia non-compliance risk, Sharia compliance function’s, Effective Controls ….) within the overall Bank (Businesses, activities, Policies, Processes, Documents …) Framework. With a regular efficient Internal Control assessment. All the above responsibilities are in addition to any additional/new tasks or responsibilities assigned by the Head of Sharia compliance and Head of Internal Sharia control department .

تقدم الآن

24 - سبتمبر - 2024

Senior Relationship Manager - Business Liability


دوام كامل

To provide a timely, efficient and personalized service to a select group of high value Business customers withthe aim of increasing the size of the portfolio, by onboarding of NTB customers, and generating CASA/ deposits,fee income through the sale of Forex /cash management products. Key Responsibilities: Deliver the budgeted volumes for deposits, CASA, forex and cash management Products by increasing the BLU portfolio by increasing deposits of existing customers and targeting of new corporate entities not banking with us. Cross-sell other Dubai Islamic Bank Products and Services to BLU customers;Ensure adherence to Bank processes & policies and report deviation to immediate supervisor/manager;Work closely with the BL Head to provide customers with the best solution for their various business banking needs. To ensure retention of existing customers by providing efficient and satisfactory services.To maintain regular contacts with BL customers either through telephone calls, company visits and providing detailed call reports.Ensure smooth processing with other departments like legal, compliance, GBO in order to provide timely results for clientsGuide and provide continuous support to ARM(s) to achieve business target and assist them in building relationships with their customers.

تقدم الآن

11 - سبتمبر - 2024

Senior Officer - Foreign Exchange Product


دوام كامل

Key Responsibilities: · Supervise foreign exchange cash exchange business proposition and business profitability, in line with department's policies and procedures. · Monitor business activity across distribution network and assist branch staff to ensure revenue target is achieved. · Support in developing and executing new business ideas/propositions, cross sell plans, process enhancements and system enhancements for the business, in order to optimize business growth. · Conduct periodic branch visits to provide required business support and product training to branch staff. · Ensure delivery of competitively priced products and services by constantly reviewing and optimizing product pricing (through market research) in consultation with exchange houses (and treasury, if applicable). · Review and enhance customer experience through digital methods by introducing online order placement capability for buying / selling foreign currency notes. · Identify and implement cost reduction opportunities to enhance business profitability · Own end-to-end product life-cycle (research, pilot, develop & manage) and engage with stakeholders to deliver on planned activities and timelines. · Liaise with internal and external stakeholders efficiently and effectively, in order to maximize and optimize the business opportunities. · Support in developing value driven incentive scheme for foreign currency cash sales for distribution team to optimize channel productivity. · Monitor competitor activity (by conducting periodic market scanning) and implement effective actions to counter competition to ensure achievement of business strategic goals. · Monitor foreign currency positions (daily and overnight holdings) in order to avoid any risk loss. · Prepare exchange rate reports and other MIS reports on periodic basis in order to ensure better control over Foreign Exchange business Operations. · Ensure compliance with the approved policies, procedures, SLAs and regulatory requirements to maintain quality standards and ensure risk mitigation. · Ensure all assigned tasks and projects are executed within the approved policies, procedures and SLAs of the department. All the above accountabilities include but not limited to any additional/new tasks or responsibilities assigned by the line Manager.

تقدم الآن

11 - سبتمبر - 2024

Senior Officer - Reporting & Regulatory


دوام كامل

Monitor business performance, ensuring exceptional quality standards, recommending strategies to continually improve business outcomes with superior customer experience and contributing to the enhancement of operational excellence, regulatory compliance, optimize customer interactions, and align our processes with industry best practices. Key Responsibilities: - Responsible for quality control and new initiatives including call monitoring, to ensure quality standards are maintained within the Solutions Hub and execute quality control measures to optimize customer interactions and business processes by identifying and addressing process gaps - Assist the management in various projects, provide data insights and manage strategic initiatives to drive positive outcomes. - Responsible for capacity planning for the department ensuring, optimal allocation of resources at all times for maximum efficiency and productivity for catering to the service requests - Analyze team Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and execute strategies to achieve targets, emphasizing continuous improvement. - Assess the efficiency of performance and daily activities of the retention team, identify areas for improvement, and contribute to the development of strategic initiatives to enhance retention - Responsible for managing projects that align with quality and performance objectives, ensuring successful and timely completion across all systems. - Coordinate with cross-functional teams to implement process enhancements and drive business performance. - Ensure readiness of audit requirements at all times, ensuring compliance with bank regulations. - Evaluate the team’s adherence to established processes and regulatory guidelines, taking corrective action against violations. - Analyze and resolve customer complaints and issues promptly, with an objective to prevent future occurrences of the same nature - Carry out Quarterly visits to branches to meet the teams, assess daily activities, and ensure their alignment to the department’s overall objectives. - Ensure complete adherence of CPR regulations within Solutions Hub and strictly monitor all key regulatory guidelines to maintain a fully compliant environment and have a robust monitoring mechanism in place for TAT monitoring for all after sales services and ensure zero TAT breach. - Ensure all activities related to regulations and controls are executed and reported in timely manner

تقدم الآن

11 - سبتمبر - 2024

Officer - Customer Screening (UAE National only)


Leading the team of analysts by motivating and providing task related guidance on daily basis; Monitoring the daily productivity of the team in general and each staff in particular; Ensuring that the standard operating process is duly followed by each staff processing name screening alerts; Ensuring all name screening streams are generating alerts in accordance with the data matching logic supplied; Maintaining daily productivity MI; Responsible for creating periodic reports for onward submission to Compliance management; Identifying and resolving issues by engaging technology teams and vendors on timely basis; Ensuring timely conclusion of all cases as prescribed in the standard operating procedure; Maintaining case related MI and timely execution of customer exits as a result of case investigation; Participating in providing training to the Business across the organization on customer name screening requirements; Participating in periodic system reviews, implementation of new system or redefining the controls in the existing ones; Participating in Policy and Procedures review from DD perspective; Conducting ‘Health Check Exercise’ on quarterly basis to ensure DDU operations in line with approved internal policies, processes and guidelines; Serving as a back-up to other staff assigned with equivalent roles.

تقدم الآن

10 - سبتمبر - 2024